
Registration is required for all Boulder Digital Arts training and many of our other offerings. You can register for classes securely online at

We Are a Modern Alternative for Learning Practical Skills Quickly

We are here to help you learn specific new skills quickly and efficiently by offering supplementary and ancillary training taught by working industry professionals. Since we are not a school or academic institution, our classes and workshops are open to anyone regardless of your age, profession, gender, race, or background with no admissions requirements.


As a non-academic organization, our sole focus is providing great learning experiences. We don't test or issue degrees or academic credentials. You can take any class at any time on any subject and in any sequence.


None of BDA's classes & workshops are designed to wholly prepare individuals for employment in any industry. We do not offer any type of job placement assistance. We are not certified, accredited or approved by any institution.

Code of Conduct

Whether in-person or online, ALL students and participants are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students, staff, volunteers, visitors, and instructors.


Because we want each and every BDA student to have an awesome experience, we support the following rules regarding class conduct:


  • Respect others while they are speaking, including the instructor.
  • Click the "Raise your hand" button on Zoom before speaking, to let the instructor know you'd like to speak.
  • Be on time and prepared.
  • Listen actively and attentively.
  • Ask for clarification if you are confused or not keeping up with the material.
  • Do not interrupt one another.
  • Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones).
  • Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion.
  • Do not monopolize discussion or take tangents outside the scope of the class.
  • If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately.
  • Silence or power off your cell phone.
  • Try not to distract or annoy your classmates.


If a BDA Staffperson or Instructor feels that any of the above-mentioned items are occuring, or have occurred, Boulder Digital Arts reserves the right to ask you to leave the class without any due compensation.

Overview of BDA's Registration Policies

Suitability: Our instructors have been hand-picked so as to offer the highest-quality training to our students. It is imperative that you read, and re-read, the class descriptions and "Who should take this class" information, to be sure that the class is appropriate for you. As a very small organization, we are unable to give refunds once a class has begun. If you are unsure whether or not a class is suitable for you, please email us at, and we will do our best to give you our recommendation. PLEASE NOTE: we are not able to issue refunds for people who can't keep up with a class due to inadequate tech skills, for example not knowing how PC's work, how to connect to wifi, etc. Please read the description of your class thoroughly before signing up, including any prerequisites, to ensure you will enjoy the class!


Suitability restated: Students attending our digital skills training programs must have adequate computer skills including basic computing skills with either Windows or Macintosh computers as well as an aptitude for learning new technologies. Students attending hands-on classes or certificate programs must have their own computer that is fully functional and meets the hardware and software requirements listed in the class description. In most cases this is a modern Windows or Macintosh computer with the tools/software being taught and an up-to-date web browser.


Remote learning: Students attending remote classes (via Zoom) must have a broadband internet connection. We recommend using a wired (Ethernet) connection but of course a strong WiFi network connection is generally adequate as well. Remote students need to have the current version of Zoom installed on their computer. We recommend using two monitors with your computer when attending a remote class so that one monitor can be dedicated to the Zoom meeting and the secondary monitor can be used with the software/tools/process you are learning. We highly discourage using mobile devices and tablets for remote classes.


Read more about our remote classes and the requirements for them here.


In-Person classes during COVID-19: By taking an in-person BDA class during the COVID-19 pandemic, you acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. You further acknowledge that Boulder Digital Arts has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. You also acknowledge that Boulder Digital Arts cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. You understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of yourself and others, including, but not limited to, BDA staff, BDA instructors, and other off-site personnel and their families.


You voluntarily seek services provided by Boulder Digital Arts and acknowledge that you are increasing your risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. You acknowledge that you must comply with all classroom procedures to reduce the spread while attending your class(es).


Additionally, you attest that each day of the class you will be attending in-person that:


  • You are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
  • You have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
  • You have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States in the last 14 days.
  • You do not believe that you have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
  • You have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities.
  • You are following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting your exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.


You hereby release and agree to hold Boulder Digital Arts harmless from, and waive on behalf of yourself, your heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to yourself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of Boulder Digital Arts or any other off-site location, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Boulder Digital Arts.


I understand that this release discharges Boulder Digital Arts from any liability or claim that you, your heirs, or any personal representatives may have against Boulder Digital Arts with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Boulder Digital Arts. This liability waiver and release extends to Boulder Digital Arts together with all owners, partners, instructors, students, off-site locations, and employees.


Register Early: most BDA classes fill quickly, and each class must have a minimum number of students, so we strongly encourage you to register online as soon as possible. If you would prefer to register over the phone, please email with your contact info and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Full payment must be received by BDA before any BDA registration is confirmed.


Surprises: due to instructor's constantly changing schedules and other of life's unexpected surprises, BDA Instructors, class times, and class dates are all subject to change. When any of these happens, we commit to providing our students with as much notice as possible. Minimum class sizes: It is very important that if you desire to take a BDA workshop, Hands-On class, or Certificate class, that you pre-register online and have your payment confirmed as far in advance as possible. Occasionally BDA needs to make a decision whether or not to cancel, postpone, or reschedule a class based on our minimum class sizes, so it is vital that you not wait until the last minute, or that class session might disappear! Additionally, if you're coming from out-of-town, please be sure to allow ample time to get here - traffic in Denver can sometimes be terrible.

BDA Workshops, Hands-On Classes, and One-on-One Consulting Cancellation Policies

Please read thoroughly before registering for any of BDA's lecture-style workshops, as well as BDA's hands-on classes, so that you are fully aware of our cancellation policies. Please see further below for policies related to our Certificate programs. Additionally, please read our remote class FAQ page for more information about classes held remotely, or feel free to contact us with questions at any time at


Cancellation by student: we rely on your attendance to make important arrangements, so if for any reason you need to withdraw from a BDA workshop, you must notify us at least 4 days before the start date of your class. At that time, you may choose from one of these three options:


  • Transfer your registration to a program of equivalent value.
  • Provide a credit for the amount paid towards any future course.
  • Refund your registration fees in full.


If notification is made to BDA less than 4 days before the start of a class, no refunds, transfers or credits will be provided.


If an emergency arises and you are not able to make it to class at the last minute, please notify BDA as soon as possible, and we will evaluate the situation. However, no guarantees of refund, credit, or transfer is implied or guaranteed.


Cancellation by BDA: in the event that BDA must cancel one of its workshops or hands-on classes due to inadequate minimum enrollment, we sincerely apologize, and we will gladly provide the student one of the following options:


  • Transfer your registration to a program of equivalent value.
  • Provide a credit for the amount paid towards any future course.
  • Refund your registration fees in full.

BDA Certificate Class Cancellation Policies

Please read thoroughly before registering for any of BDA's Certificate Programs so that you are fully aware of our cancellation policies: Cancellation by student: We realize that circumstances beyond your control may prevent you from attending a program however, we rely on your attendance to make important arrangements for our certificate programs. If you need to withdraw from a certificate program, you must inform us at least 2 weeks prior to the first day of the scheduled program. You can then choose one of the following options:


  • Transfer your registration to a program of equivalent value.
  • Provide a credit for the amount paid towards any future course.
  • Refund your registration payment less a $100 processing fee (for most certificate programs) or $50 processing fee (for a 2-day certificate intensive).


If notice is given less than two weeks prior to the start of a certificate program, or If an emergency arises and you are not able to make it to class at the last minute, please let us know as soon as possible and we will evaluate the situation.


However, no guarantees of refund, credit, or transfer are implied or guaranteed. In addition, refunds cannot be made for participant no-shows, and please take note that instructors have no authority to grant or promise refunds.


The limit of BDA's liability is the return of all tuition monies paid to BDA. The policies in this entire section also apply to students who are enrolled in BDA's Payment Plans.

Missed Classes & Lateness Policy

Missing the first day of a course may be grounds for withdrawal without refund.

Please email if you know you are going to miss the first day of a multi-day course.


Though we can't guarantee to offer complimentary makeup sessions outside of class time or in concurrent or future course sections, we will generally be able to supply you with video recordings of the missed class. One-on-one makeup sessions may be scheduled contingent upon the instructor's availability and most likely will be subject to a fee to compensate the instructor. Instructors are not obligated to catch students up during scheduled class time for missed sessions or lateness.

Instructor Replacement

It is the nature of this business that occasionally a posted instructor is unable to participate because of illness or emergency, or a change in their schedule, for example. If we are forced to replace an instructor, we will do so with someone of equal or similar credentials if we are not able to, we will reschedule or cancel the class.


When an instructor has been changed, we will do our best to inform all those pre-registered, as time permits.

People With Disabilities

Boulder Digital Arts makes a commitment to try its best to accommodate people with any disabilities. If you have any concerns or questions, or feel you require any special accommodations, please let us know well in advance of the class session so that we can make it work!

Photography & Video

Occasionally Boulder Digital Arts takes photos and videos of our various classes and events to use on our website, email newsletter, social media, and traditional media outlets. By participating in a BDA class or event, you give Boulder Digital Arts permission to take and distribute photo and video content, and release BDA and its agents of any liability. You also agree that the images and footage will be copyrighted by Boulder Digital Arts and may be used with or without your name or compensation. Additionally, all remote participants agree to the recording of classes they are participating in, and grant and convey to BDA all rights, titles, and interests in and to any and all photographs, images, video, audio in connection with the BDA class and event. Further, with respect to all photographs, images, video and audio captured in connection with the class or event, I grant to BDA the right to display, use and/or otherwise exploit my name, face, likeness, voice, and appearance forever and throughout the world, in all types of media to the extent created or produced by, or for the benefit of BDA including, without limitation, online webcasts, blogs, websites and promotional materials, in each case without compensation or reservation. The foregoing media release shall not apply with respect to media created for the benefit of third parties unaffiliated with BDA (such as third party newspapers and magazines).


BDA's annual membership is optional if you have purchased a membership and find that it is of no value to you, we will be happy to refund the membership fee within 30 days of purchase provided you have not used the membership in any way during those 30 days. BDA member benefits are provided directly through our business partners, and can be changed, affected, or withdrawn by our business partners at any time.

Checking Your Registrations

You can view your upcoming and past event registrations by logging into the Boulder Digital Arts website using the "login to your profile" link located at the top right of each page. This will take you to your profile page where you can click on the "registrations" tab. By default you will be shown your upcoming registrations but you can also view your complete registration history by clicking on the "click here to switch to viewing all registrations (including past)." link. You may also check your status, and view, your OnDemand video purchases this same way.


Boulder Digital Arts is not responsible for students who miss class(es) for any reason, and is not responsible for students who sign up for a class that they are not qualified to take based on stated prerequisites and course descriptions. Further, BDA is not responsible for any of the content taught by instructors in their individual classes, nor is BDA responsible for any loss of productivity, income, profit, revenue, or future revenue due to any scheduling changes, instructor changes, location changes, internet outage, internet acces, computer hardware or software malfunction, or personnel. Students also agree that in no event will BDA or its employees or independent contractors be liable for damages that exceed the actual price paid for a class, regardless of the form of the claim.

Limit of Liability

In all cases, Boulder Digital Arts' maximum limit of liability is the return of all monies a student has paid to Boulder Digital Arts for a particular event.

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