Boulder Digital Arts provides customized training, professional development, and consulting across all digital disciplines with our team of experienced industry experts.


Whether you need to get new employees to get up to speed quickly, assist your staff transition from one software tool to another, or benefit from the deep technology and creative insight of our experts, BDA has you covered!


We offer a wide variety of cost-effective services that maximize your time and deliver the results you need.

For over 20 years, we've provided world-class customized instruction and consulting in these diverse areas:

Social media marketing, branding, pay-per-click campaigns, search engine optimization, etc.


Web Design/Development

User interface design, HTML/CSS, PHP/MySQL, security, WordPress, usability, etc.


Video Production

Videography, editing, lighting, greenscreen/compositing, aesthetics, distribution, etc.


Digital Photography 

Shooting, lighting, aesthetics, image editing/Photoshop, transitions to digital, etc.


Graphic Design

Photohop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.


Media Coaching/Training

Preparation and skills for interacting with the media.


Business Process Consulting

Using technology efficiently and effectively within your organization.


Professional Development

Assist your staff in keeping up with digital technologies.

A Few Companies We've Helped with Great Training

Affordable & Professional BDA Private Custom Training with Expert Instructors

  • On an individual basis for customized one-on-one learning, starting at only $125 an hour, with a two-hour minimum.


  • Corporate group training can be held on-site at your organization's location starting at only $1500 for a full-day of training with up to 8 participants, and designed to your specific needs.


  • Training can range from just a few hours to multiple days - whatever it takes to accommodate your needs. In addition, our custom classes can be similar to classes that BDA already offers, or the content can be uniquely designed to meet your specific learning objectives.

Examples of Customized Training & Consulting


  • Training your teams on new software or a new version of software
  • Teaching your employees how to create videos and other media for viral marketing and social media
  • Supporting your company in the switch to new software/tools
  • Instructing your group how to tell their stories using video (shooting, editing, storytelling)
  • Hands-on training to help you gain new skills for keeping current in your industry
  • Hands-on training for you to acquire additional skills for your resume
  • Teaching you new skills so you can take over or fill a need in your organization
  • Teaching business people how to interact with the media effectively and stay on message
  • Instructing leaders/managers on technology so they can manage their creative teams better
  • Professional Development for staff enrichment and continuing education


  • Guidance with a creative or technology initiative
  • Critique, testing and feedback on your script, film/video project, photo portfolio, website or application
  • Assistance evaluating a program or proposal
  • Mentoring and guidance from an expert in your field
  • Affordable, private one-on-one training
  • Training on a skill, procedure, methodology or tool
  • A helping hand from the beginning to end of your project

For more information or to arrange a session please contact us at

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