Marketing in Turbulent Times


What You’ll Learn

Looking back at 9/11 when times got tough, companies began cutting back. Sometimes they let employees go and stopped there. Other times, they eliminated their marketing – afraid to spend marketing dollars.

Today, in this COVID-19 environment, we know it’s about more than letting employees go. Many businesses – small and large – were required to shut their doors to customers. If you are one of them, you know that, despite the crisis closures, it’s important to maintain a presence in the marketplace.

When you remain visible during the hard times, customers and prospects will remember you when the good times return. Keep your message out there, stay top of mind and do so with authenticity and compassion.

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During this workshop you will learn:

  • 4 cost-effective marketing strategies for staying visible during turbulent times.
  • A free resource to help you gain exposure to a broader market.
  • Two video platforms that don’t require expensive camera equipment.
  • The one social network that opens the door to up to 40 times more opportunities.
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